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L'etereo e il malinconico incontrano un fascino vivace.<br />Azman concepisce i profumi utilizzando ingredienti esotici,<br />quasi dimenticati, ingredienti di altissima<br />qualità provenienti da tutto il mondo con una flamboyance<br />francese, per essere indossati tutti i giorni.

Ethereal and wistful meets vivacious charm. Azman conceives scents using exotic, almost-forgotten, ingredients of the highest quality from around the world with a French flamboyance, for everyday wearability.

Unusual. Exceptional. Unforgettable.

The brand represents a persona as distinguished as its user.

Every Azman perfume must touch a cord, make an indelible connection. To become the fragrance that permeates the memory of beautiful moments.

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