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19-69 means freedom, tolerance and counterculture. The inspiration behind this project stems from iconic moments in modern times, and is expressed through individual stories around art, music and other cultures, permeating the name and packaging. The different colors are like a rainbow, symbolizing freedom and peace.

Each of the 17 fragrances of 19-69 is like a journey into the world of counter-culture, each with its own story to tell, each with its own different expression on the skin. Depending on your skin’s natural pH, your diet, any meds you take or your hormonal cycles, the scent will vary slightly, adapting to you.
prendete o ai vostri cicli ormonali, il profumo varierà leggermente, personalizzandosi su di voi. Del resto è noto che si tende a scegliere profumi che si armonizzino con l’odore della propria pelle.